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What is ADA compliance, and what does it mean for your business?

In short- it’s essentially inclusion. It’s making your website accessible and digestible to everyone. It has to do with adherence to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) Standards for Accessible Design, which the U.S. Department of Justice released in 2010.

ADA Standards require businesses to maintain websites that users with disabilities can access and navigate Whether you hire an outside source to handle this for you, or attempt yourself- taking a proactive approach to keeping your site ADA compliant can help your company show its commitment to serving all of your users.

Who needs to be concerned about ADA compliance?

You. Me. Basically anyone with a business entity on the internet needs to be careful to keep their site content compliant with ADA guidelines.

Whom does the ADA hold accountable for adherence to its guidelines?

  • State and local government agencies
  • Privately owned companies with 15+  employees
  • Businesses that operate for the benefit of the public

ADA compliance impacts almost all businesses and websites. Even if ADA compliance doesn’t necessarily directly apply to you, it’s absolutely essential in the current climate to create a site that everyone can use. Aside from being more inclusive and accessible, keeping in line with ADA guidelines scores you big points with Google, as well.

What happens if your website isn’t ADA compliant?

If your website isn’t ADA accessible, you are liable. In short, this means that a lawsuit could potentially be filed against your company if people with disabilities are unable to access or properly use your website. Even though you had no intention of being discriminatory, you could potentially pay thousands of dollars in lawsuits if your site is not ADA compliant.

Overwhelmed, or need help making your site ADA compliant? Contact us Today!

Not sure how to proceed with getting your site ADA ready? Our skilled team is here for you to find (and fix) accessibility issues on web & mobile apps quickly and efficiently. Save time and money rather than working with an ADA agency – which can result is costly audits and high ticket prices overall.

Contact Ink IT Digital today to find out how you can stay up-to-date on ADA compliance standards for the long haul! We’ve got plenty of tip and tricks to help you maintain compliance with less effort, and less cost. Reach out for a demo today!